The story begins in 1908, when Carl Hansen, a trained cabinet maker, begins to create furniture in a small workshop the size of a two-bedroom apartment. By 1915 the company expanded to a larger factory which allowed for more modern machinery and more craftsmen. In the 1930’s his son Holger Hansen takes over and in 1949 he meets Hans J Wegner and the company never looks back. In a three-week period, Hans Wegner designed four chairs including the CH24 and CH25, which 70 years later are still the best-selling chairs in the Carl Hansen collection.
The Ferrious relationship with Carl Hansen began in 2006 with the display of the famous CH24, a CH20 and a CH07 – the shell chair that was a departure in aesthetic for Hans Wegner. Carl Hansen in recent years has gone on to reintroduce more of the early Carl Hansen designs as well as beginning to work with modern-day designers such as Tadao Ando who created the Dream Chair and EOOS who designed the incredibly comfortable Embrace collection.